会员登录 - 用户注册 - 设为首页 - 加入收藏 - 网站地图 这段舞刷屏!网友:这位院长在我朋友圈跳了一天了……!


时间:2024-06-18 21:01:33 来源:武汉高端品茶 作者:百科 阅读:402次



Recently, netizens have been captivated by a Mongolian dance video. In the video, a robust man in the front row, wearing trousers and shoes, dances heroically with a gait resembling a galloping horse rider on the grasslands.


这位穿着“正装”跳舞的友圈大叔 究竟何许人也?他叫姜铁红,是跳天中央民族大学舞蹈学院院长。还有网友在评论区“揭秘”了他的段舞另一个身份——舞蹈《奔腾》的第一代领舞。

This man is Jiang Tiehong, the dean of the Dance School at Minzu University of China. Some netizens revealed that he is also known as the first-generation performer of the dance "Gallop".

舞蹈《奔腾》 诞生于上个世纪80年代初期。刷屏它的网友位院灵感源于牧民生活,以蒙古族民间舞蹈动作为基础素材,动作自由奔放,展现着草原骑手,昂扬奋进的精神面貌。

The dance "Gallop", created in the early 1980s by Professor Ma Yue from the Dance School at Minzu University of China, draws inspiration from the lives of herdsmen and Mongolian folk dance movements. The dance is characterized by its free and bold movements, embodying the spirit of a grassland rider who is high-spirited and hard-working.


It's somewhat surprising to learn that Jiang Tiehong, a master of Mongolian dance, is of Korean ethnicity. His exceptional ability in Mongolian dance is not merely a result of innate talent but comes from full body-and-mind engagement, daily practice, and a dedication to excellence.

因为腿伤, 姜铁红曾有十几年的时间无法登上他热爱的舞台。直到2017年, 年近五十的姜铁红 决定“复出”。 重新站上舞台,他再度为观众演绎自己年轻时成名的舞蹈《生命在闪烁》。

舞蹈总长大约7分钟, 为了这7分钟的“闪烁”,姜铁红两个月内减重30斤,以最好的状态面对观众。


His breakthrough dance piece lasts about seven minutes, and to perform it in peak condition, Jiang Tiehong lost 30 kilograms in two months. Although he now focuses on talent training and has mostly stepped back from performing, his passion for dance remains undiminished. He continues to teach students at his college and others across the country who are interested in folk dance.

学生们的基础不同, 他授课的主题也不同。但姜铁红总是“边讲边跳”“言传身教”,时不时走进舞蹈队伍里投入地示范动作。

Regardless of the students' varying skill levels and the topics he teaches, Jiang Tiehong always "dances while talking" and "teaches by example", often joining the dance team to demonstrate movements.

视频 意外“出圈”之后,有网友留言:“根本停不下来!姜院长已经在我的朋友圈跳了一天的舞了!”






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